Letter to Latter Day Saint (Mormon) Parents

**Rant time** 

Dear Latter Day Saint (Mormon) parents,  

I know you want the best for your kids. You have been given these "guidelines" for how the perfect family should look, and act. So when your kids go off that course at all, it is problematic for you. Your white picket fence has been ripped apart. You feel like you are losing your spirit babies. However that is not everyone else's reality. That is yours. Your kids should not have to live up to your expectations.  

If your kid watches porn a couple times they are not a porn addict. No matter what your bishop may tell you. Your kids will watch porn and they will probably masturbate because lets be honest, everyone does. If your kid vapes they don't need to go to rehab for vaping. If your kid drinks coffee so what? Maybe you should be more worried about pre-workout and energy drinks (god hasn't published his opinion on that yet though so maybe your waiting) If your kid smokes pot they are not a drug addict and you should honestly be happy it's pot and not something that is actually life threatening or problematic. If your kid drinks here and there they are not an alcoholic. 

If your son is attracted to other guys he is not "struggling with same sex attraction" your son is gay, gay gay. Don't torture him by giving him this religious complex and make him think that he is broken. Stop saying SSA. And there is no such thing as having sexuality dysphoria. Being gay is not a mental disorder or addiction that needs to be corrected or strapped down. Don't expect your kids to live up to your heterosexual expectations.That is all conversion therapy lingo and all it says is you are uncomfortable with him and quite frequently ends in suicide.  

If your kid starts living in a way that does not line up with the LDS church that is totally fine. There is more to life then living a "perfect Mormon life" God is not going to smite you or your kid. If anything you should just be happy your kid is alive and breathing. Find ways to talk to your kid outside of religion. People love to tell gay and LGBTQ people to not let their sexuality define them, but what about religion? I feel like people let religion define themselves way more then any sexuality has ever defined a person. Maybe it's time to not let religion define you. Let's use critical thinking when we are trying to problem solve. Stop using religious texts that have been proven time and time again to cause more harm to peoples psyche. Love your kid for the fact that they are your kid. They need to live their life for themselves. They should not live to please you or make you comfortable.  

And finally, if your kid is transgender. Love your fucking kid. Support them in their transition. Too many trans people have died recently (whether murdered or by suicide)and they could use all the love. Sometimes you need to open your hearts and love more then you were taught to in your religion. God is not Mormon and would be completely OK with you embracing your child exactly the way they are and open your mind a bit. Let's stop trying to fix everything and find ways to connect and become better people especially when raising a small human.  

Much love- Zac 🌈❤️ 

**end rant** 


  1. I actually really want to send this to my parents. I would do it in a heartbeat if they wouldn't disown me.


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