Letter to the Church Presidency

Dear Presidency,

I have been a loyal and believing member of the church my whole life up until a few years ago. I am gay, and because of that there is no place for me in this organization. I know many will try to make it work, try to justify your policies, and try to find a footing. Though if I ever found a bishop who loved and accepted me and gave me a calling like many have done (maybe without your knowledge). Who’s to say my next bishop would continue treating me like a human being?

There is a growing pandemic in your midst that you seem to be oblivious to. Gay people are real. Yes I know you think we should all just be celibate and be alone the rest of our lives. If we embrace the church as the true and living word of God then we should be set for life. Have you thought what it would be like without your spouses? What if you flipped the roles? I may be leaving the church and its patriarchy, but you can still do something to help the youth and many others who feel like the only hope they have is suicide.

People are dying and the amount of ignorance in this church and I guess religion in general is incredible. People claim to have a love for God but they can’t even love their fellow man. Instead they set rules, regulations, policies, and expectations that they themselves would never be able to accomplish. You say that the words you speak are spoken with love, but that is a strange definition of love you have. Imagine being in a church that you thought was true and those leaders said that if you married the opposite sex then you would be disciplined, add on top of that: If you had kids then they could not join the church until they have left your home and denounced your marriage to your wife.
Now I put that into a heterosexual perspective because it seems like some people still need to have the roles flipped for them to understand. 

You believe very strongly in families but in reality you created a policy that could break families apart. I am happy I understood that is not Godlike. This was quite an ungodly step in the wrong direction. I really hope that for the up and coming generations you can create a more loving and accepting environment. I know this may take 50 years but I hope it happens sooner.

Attached is a poem I wrote. It is my raw emotions that I know many people share. I know you may very well not read it. I hope you do though. This is where I leave you.

Proud Apostate  


  1. I agree with you completely. The members are all talk, but their actions are a different thing. I was labeled a pedifile and had my house and car vandelized. I received numerous death threats, all from my good Mormon neighbors. Police were no help. Walked away from house and moved to another state. Much happier now. Utah is the center of Hell on Earth.


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