Called to Serve (Not Your Typical Missionary)

I have alot of things running through my mind so this post may jump around a bit. The list of things I want to discuss are the following: The topic of me continuing to occationally blog about anything gay and the issues that people have with that, Straight pride and how it's offensive, Caitlyn Jenner and the lack of Christlike individuals in our conservative bubble, and the last one is me seeing my life as a mission.

As time has gone on I have gone from saying that I have SSA, to stating that I am gay, then I had to clarify that by identifying as gay I was also saying I will get married and life my life accordingly (I didn't know that I had to really spell that one out for people). I have had many people tell me that I should not focus on the "gay aspect" of my life so much, and that it is just a small part of "Zachary Jones". While this is true, they don't truly understand what it means to come out. Before I came out I was living as "normal" a life as I could in the eyes of individuals in the Mormon church, so I didn't raise any eyebrows or cause people to worry or have pitty on me. Since I was so shut in I was not able to voice my views or fight for equality like I am now. I posted a photo earlier today that states "Gay pride was not born of a need to celebrate being gay, but our right to exist without persecution. So instead of wondering why there isn't a Straight Pride movement, be thankful you don't need one." With this being said, I will post and blog about this however much I want to because for right now it is a big part of me. I started this blog for me to have a release. For me to be able to voice what I am feeling and for others to read and feel what I am going through. It is up to you if you want to read it.

Lately on Facebook there has been alot of posts and photos about "straight pride". I have no idea who the hell started this but they have no idea what that looks like to others when they post that. To me having straight pride is a pretty dang close equivilant to a meninist vs. a Feminist, a white supremacist vs. any ethnic group, or people who protest in general against any religeous group or other. They dont understand that Gay Pride is not about being loud and proud neccisarily. It's about fighting for rights, and the dream that we all have to be equal and feel comfortable in this cruel world. You guys who are straight have nothing that you need to fight for in this aspect. You are free to live however you want, you arent even looked down upon for living together before marriage. Whereas 50 years ago you would have had to live together in secret or just plan on getting married. Us gays have never had that freedom and we are just now scraping the surface of getting to the heart of the matter. Now, I do understand that there are religious view points that get in the way of all of this, but if we are going to argue that, I have one question. What would Jesus do? Even if you are going to sit there and say that He is condemning us or He sees gays as an "obomination". He also said to love everyone and to love thy neighbor as thyself. I personally know that I was born this way and wheather or not im supposed to live "this way" well... That's your own opinion but I know that God does not make mistakes and he for sure does not make "obominations". I think I started to stray a little bit from the topinc of this section but I think I got my point across. Basically the next time you see a "Straight Pride" post, know that there is a hidden negative message.

Now we have all by now heard about Bruce Jenner coming out as Transgender. He recently went through part of the surgery to transition to Caitlyn Jenner. I know that this is a hard topic for those who dont understand. They say that she is a "sinner" or she is giving up on her trial. Who are you to say what she is or what she's feeling? I know the media is definitely messed up and they did shed a lot of light on the topic of Caitlyn Jenner instead of talking about the war, or topics involving police officers. There is not one way to be a hero though. Are veterans, and people in the armed forces heros to us? You bet your ass they are. They do so much for us and sadly they get so little in return compared to what they deserve. As far as police officers go, I know that there are definitely good ones out there and the media focuses way too much on the negative stories, therefore giving police officers a bad name. But for people to sit there and actually say that Caitlyn Jenner is no hero is a shame. It is so sad to see how closed minded and hard hearted people are in a supposed "Christian Society" Where is the Christianity? It sure is not shown when people live lives that are opposite to peoples beliefs but I know that is not what Christ would do. He would welcome ANYONE with open arms and be there for them. He would listen to their feelings and what is on their mind. He would love them as he loves Himself. Why is that so hard for so many of us? I think what it comes down to is people simply not understanding and they don't want to. So instead they put up a wall and have this forcefield that shoots anything down because they are afraid of what they don't know. So instead of being Christlike, they become the comlete opposite and they give a bad name for Christians everywhere.

Many of you know I have had my depression issues, I have had my suicidal issues, I have caused harm to myself, I have abused substances on multiple occations, I have even prayed for everything to go away and for me to just be numb years ago. I know that these situations have made me a stronger person and they have forced me to recieve help and to counsil with loved ones. I have been able to be completely open and honest with my parents and many other trusted family and friends. Something that I realized though is that even if I ended up wanting to serve a mission in the future, I know I couldn't just based on the fact that I am so open and I have put myself out there in the publics eyes 100%. I have however decided to see my life as a mission. My mission is to bring others unto Christ and I feel that deals with Christians mostly (which is sad). I want everyone to know that life is precious. Me and many others like me would not have just chosen these attractions. I did not "choose" to be gay. If I chose to be gay then that is just as ludacris as saying someone "chose" to be straight. That's just not how it is. I was born this way, you were born the way you are, and others were born the way that they are. We are all different, we are put here to learn compassion, learn how to show love, learn how to be Christlike. Let's start practicing what we preach. Instead of being hypocrites, lets actually start showing more of a love and a compassion whether you are Christian or not. This is just the human thing to do. After all, it's the way you would want to be treated.

Until next time,



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