
Showing posts from June, 2017

Clearing the Air: Gay Sin is Not a Thing

Hello my fellow people of  the inter-web.  As most of us know June kicks of PRIDE season. This is not a protest. It is a celebration. Celebration of life, self love, self expression, and self acceptance. I have only been able to attend PRIDE once in my life, before that experience I was under the false impression that it was a sin to embrace myself for who I am. Growing up gay and Mormon, it does some damage to your self image. You are taught constantly about Gods love, and how he loves all of his children. People will even try and justify why they are so against the LGBTQ community by saying they "love the sinner, hate the sin". I have news for all of you though. That mentality is so unhealthy, inconsiderate, closed minded, and no mater how nice you seem, it is hate. You may have love for some of us in the LGBTQ community but your love is full of conditions.  Recently someone tried telling me about a General Conference talk that was about love. While that topic sound...